When Joseph tapped into the Holy Spirit of inspiration to interpret portions of Facsimile No. 2 in the Book of Abraham, he stopped short of explaining the image designated as number 8, saying that it contained writings which should only be had in the Holy Temple of God, which temple you are. Number 9, he said,ought not to be revealed at that time – numbers 10 and 11 also. But here the recorder inserts an interesting thought. He writes: “If the world can find out these numbers, so let it be. Amen.” Figures 12-21 were to be “given in the own due time of the Lord.” The facsimile is had and used by members of B’nai-Amen Israel under the name of the Theban Hypocephalus. It is known among them as one of the more complete forms of ancient Egyptian “head warmers”, or resurrection talismans, associated with the Book of Breathings. The two are almost identical but the Theban Hypocephalus comes with a complete translation. Number 17 in that key, gives one of the most beauteous and fullest, yet beautifully concise descriptions of the Plan of Salvation possible in the corrupt language of Englitch.

#17  In The Beginning Emerged A Seed, Firstfruits Of The Perfect; Followed By Hosts Of Others; Some Beloved, Some RebelliousThe Beloved Creating through The Impotent Children Of Rebellion, A Cup Of Bitterness To Quench The Longings Of Joy Of The Children Of Light.  Becoming Drunk Then Sober; Being Lifted Again To The Place Of Origin, To Become An Origin Unto Themselves. Dwelling In A Perfect Society, Free Of Death And Disease.  The End Of Ends.

In the Journal of Discourses, President Young speaks extensively on the topic of resurrection as an ordinance. On August 24th 1872, talking about those who have already received resurrected bodies he said:

“They will be ordained, by those who hold the keys of the resurrection, to go forth and resurrect the Saints, just as we receive the ordinance of baptism, then the keys of authority to baptize others for the remission of their sins.”

Referring to those who rise up in the morning of the first resurrection he said they would be, “ordained to organize matter,” to which he added:

“How much matter do you suppose there is between here and some of the fixed stars which we can see? Enough to frame many, very many millions of such earths as this, yet it is now so diffused, clear and pure, that we look through it and behold the stars. Yet the matter is there. Can you form any conception of this? Can you form any idea of the minuteness of matter?”

He then proceeds to expound upon the topic of quantum physics in a manner very ahead of his time. As an example he shows how, while the mathematical fractions used to represent the difference in age between two children born precisely one year apart grow smaller and smaller, the elder will always remain a-head of the younger.Using the example of a grain of sand, Young ‘breaks down’ the precept further to show that:

“You cannot divide it so small that it cannot be divided again—it is capable of infinite division. We know nothing about how many times it can be divided, and it is just so with regard to the lives in us, in animals, in vegetation, in shrubbery. They are countless.”

Not surprisingly, he relates the Universal Truth of Fractality to Temple work, which he supposed was reliant upon certain man-made factors such as genealogical records and research and construction of elaborate edifices wherein to perform such spiritual science. But GOD has no need of these things. When we come to walk in His courts and trample His temple, GOD has not required it of us. (Isaiah 1:12).  Paul asks in shock, “What? know ye not that your BODY IS THE TEMPLE of the Holy Ghost which is in you”  Subconsciously, Brigham understood this, everyone does. Reading page 139 of the Journal of Discourses with opened eyes and new ears we can clearly perceive the spirit of truth coming through his words when Brother Brigham declares:

“I am going to stop my talking by saying that, in the millennium, when the kingdom of God is established on the earth in power, glory and perfection, and the reign of wickedness that has so long prevailed is subdued, the Saints of God will have the privilege of building their temples (physical bodies), and of entering into them, becoming, as it were, pillars in the temples of God, and they will officiate for their dead. Then we will see our friends come up, and perhaps some that we have been acquainted with here……And we will have revelations to know our forefathers clear back to Father Adam and Mother Eve, and we will enter into the temples of God and officiate for them.”

If we take into account the fact that, at the time these sayings were uttered, there still was not an operational LDS ™Pull and would not be until 5 years later at the dedication of that stunning structure, shining like a ‘whited sepulcher’ in the desert sun of red St. George; we can see that the eternal sayings of the Lord are not saying the same thing that Brigham was probably thinking at the time.

“What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites, PHARISITES! For you are like whitewashed tombs–beautiful on the outside but filled on the inside with dead people‘s bones and all sorts of impurity.” – Matt. 23:27

 But that was only the Bad Brigham. The butcher is balanced by the builder and vice versa. At least, that’s the idea, the standard we should strive to uphold, the banner we should wave to all the world. In truth, both do good and neither are evil unless they attempt to separate, the one from the other. The apostolic figure of Paul, was known for rambling topically from one theme to the next, like Brigham. But unlike Brigham, Paul also kept rambling on topographically from one land to the next as apostles have been commissioned to do. Brigham, Brigham, Brigham. Tsk, tsk, tsk! Did you feel daunted by your task, task, task? We know you fabricated Section 126 of the D&C. Three short self-congratulatory verses with a section heading reporting them as a revelation received by Joseph but in “the house of Brigham Young” telling you to rest from your labor of love? We ask you sincerely and tenderly, was the ‘House that Brigham Built’ a suitable resting place to your spirit? Are you forever content to haunt the halls of the Lion House or the Beehive House in Salt Lake City? I should imagine that you hold the whole area in contempt as you find it full of traces of your former glory. You can see your life’s work being used to uphold and promote things you were diametrically opposed to during your fleeting fifteen minutes of fame in the flesh.

Ah, the flesh! –That which you enjoyed so thoroughly in certain ways but failed to esteem as one in all its infinite variety. You miss it don’t you – the sex– always for procreation never recreation of course. But ‘wreck creation’ is what the destroyer has done to so much of your greatest work. I am personally well acquainted with one of your direct descendents –Adam Redford Young. His family shares your passion for health and wealth. They have penetrated many secrets of science through righteous diet which have enriched their lives and others and have even saved souls from the clutches of cancer. But they find themselves bound by government regulation on many fronts. And their monogamous life-style has killed something inside them to the point where, my dear friend has found himself unable to get married in his 35 years of physical existence. His parents union was threatened by infidelity and possibly preserved by money and comfort on many levels. I do not deny that there is love, as it is the only thing that keeps this family unit from deteriorating into a complete shamily unit, but there is much confusion on the home-front due to the yarns that you knit. Why did you deny women and black people the same pleasures you prized so highly? Your title has been taken and given to another in this generation. Ask millions world-wide, “Who is the Lion in Zion?” and they will answer unhesitatingly, “Bob,” not Brigham. The Marley family enjoys close-knit ties that keep them all prospering, thriving while striving in a good cause. They “band” and stick together while decrying the secret combinations, relying on family for protection as they preach healthy habbits, self-sufficiency, love and praise of the Most High. You have a professional football player among the fruit of your loins. So does Bob Marley. It is a large portion of the very same spirit that pulsed through your veins which has fueled Bob Marley to foster a large, royal and loyal posterity. A man after your own heart, he adopted many children and begat many more. Every woman who he ever touched was satisfied in body and soul. Your descendants lie scattered, selfishly pursuing their own interests. On the topic of the Order of Enoch, you said “If I had charge of such a society as this to which I refer, I would not allow novel reading” Now you have a best-selling novelist who was born into your bloodline on August 24, 1951, exactly 78 years to the date from when you tried to explain the metaphysics of resurrection to your people and to yourself. Do you begin to see how God plays a Card of justice against bullies in the game of life. Not to mention the Army Brigadier version of yourself who bullied the oppressed other sheep of the Filipino fold of the Good Shepherd before giving up the ghost on what would have been your 118th birthday. And what of the ‘Young’ man who inheriting the murderous idiosyncrasies which went unchecked in the paranoid regions of your mind, acted out the self-righteous concept of ‘blood atonement’ on a poor daughter of God who, although precious in God’s sight, was viewed by your grandson as a dirty prostitute on the streets of New York City? Feel, feel, FEEL for your FAMILY!

Brigham the Biggot would supposedly follow Joseph to the ends of the earth, but could not abandon his misguided Methodist and Masonic mix of mind control long enough to grasp the vision of unity between the races and sexes that is necessary for the restoration of all things in these latter days. As many European immigrants and American settlers heard the glorious fanfare of the opening of a new and final dispensation, it was decided by their Collective Caucasian Consciousness, that those angelic horns were best enjoyed from a distance –kind of like blues and jazz music. Whereas Joseph welcomed communion between angelic beings and humanity; his overwhelmingly white audience, once excited by the possibilities, soon sided with the Anglos over Angles. Brigham the Bully embodied the thoughts of so many of his time and emerged as the naturally elected spokesman for the vox popular. A hub for the spokes of those wagon wheels which bore a peculiar people who would endure persecution stoically but stubbornly refuse to identify with long persecuted peoples like the Afrikan and Native tribes of this land.  Once, the renegade religion of God’s revolution, they would eventually capitulate pitifully. Larsson became Larson, Jansson became Jenson. Scandinavian became European, European became American. American became White and White came to be thought of as Blank. From pioneers to peons, the blond haired, blue eyed Britts and Swedes underwent the most severe case of cultural Stockholm syndrome ever witnessed. Farrakhan, who’s separatist political leanings do not begin to compare to the frightful foaming of Brigham’s hateful speech, is a prophet called into conception to answer the universe’s call for balance. His use of the term ‘White Devil’ is a very specific course correction in comparison with the wildly general reckless racism spewed by Big Mouth Brigham through such remarks as:

“Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so.”

JoD: vol.10 p. 110 (March 8, 1863)


“The Lord put a mark upon him, which is the flat nose and black skin.”

JoD 7:290-291 (October 9, 1859)

Dear Brigham, during your lifetime you expressed two great fears. Your words still echo faintly in the eerily volatile air that whips up amid the cold stone banks, business buildings and malls of downtown Salt Lake.

“The worst fear that I have about this people is that they will get rich in this country, forget God and his people, wax fat, and kick themselves out of the Church and go to hell. This people will stand mobbing, robbing, poverty, and all manner of persecution, and be true. But my greater fear for them is that they cannot stand wealth; and yet they have to be tried with riches, for they will become the richest people on this earth.”

Brigham Young: The Man and His Work, 4th ed., p.128-129

“I am more afraid that this people have so much confidence in their leaders that they will not inquire for themselves of God whether they are led by him. I am fearful that they settle down in a state of blind self security, trusting their eternal destiny in the hands of their leaders with a reckless confidence that in itself would thwart the purpose of God in their salvation. . . Let every man and woman know, by the whispering of the Spirit of God to themselves, whether their leaders are walking in the path the Lord dictates, or not.

Journal of Discourses 9:150

At this very moment money is exchanging hands, secret pacts are being made and Mormons are slipping deeper into darkness than ever before. The corporation sole called the Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has taken over and the self-identified LDS who believe in upholding and sustaining the laws of the land do not even know that, legally speaking, they are not members of anything; especially not the Lord’s Church. Your worst nightmares are coming true. Are you turning in your grave? Turn, Turn, Turn to GOD and LIVE!

Today, September 2nd, 2012 marks the 135th remembrance cycle of the burial of Brigham’s body. The Holy Spirit is one, but the gifts are many. That Holy Spirit which is in all of us moved me to start typing this document only a few days ago on the 29th of August, the day of Brigham’s death. The Holy Spirit is the Life Force which can be contained and dwell within the True Temples of God, even our Tabernacles of Flesh. Whether the flesh becomes corrupted over time or is suddenly and brutally brought to destruction, at the moment which we call death, the vivacious substance of spirit is released freely into space. It is for this reason that, when you sign a waiver, the language is spookily similar to the words we speak at the veil during temple work.

“utilize my name, voice and likeness in any and all manner and media **throughout the universe in perpetuity.**”

This output happens all the time. It is the nature of these energetic WAVES granted us by God Himself. It needn’t be counted as loss. And neither must it be relinquished and handed over exclusively to any one entity, as corporations seek to trick us into doing with WA-I-VERS. Everyone who has watched T.V. has noticed how the commercials are quite a few decibels louder than the regular programming. If you have been endowed in one of the LDS Temples, you may have been noticed how the usual sleepy sequence of the ceremony is similarly interrupted at one key spot by the slightly louder volume at the mention of the Church’s official moniker. This is a neuro-linguistic branding tactic which makes you, the targets, more likely to live up to an oath to

consecrate yourselves, your time, talents, and everything with which the Lord has blessed you, or with which he may bless you, to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for the building up of the kingdom of God on the earth and for the establishment of Zion.

Given another 50 years or less, I would not be surprised to hear that last stipulation, which states that the Church is supposed to use donations to build Zion (not shopping malls) uttered in the super speedy audio version of fine print addendums which we hear tagged onto the final moments of T.V. and radio advertisements for fast food specials, medications and political campaigns (diet, injections and injunctions).

Monstrous life forms, restrained to lower wavelengths, are bottom feeders who literally subsist off of the energy we give them just as we subsist off of the energy Heaven sends us. The Powers That Be know the Powers That Be-low. The lower-archy of fallen angels who rule Hell with Lucifer form a Quorum of the 70 (72 to be exact) known as Goetia in the occult. They are balanced by 72 Ascended Masters who work for the good of humanity from behind the scenes. Which of these two unseen groups deserves the credit for inspiring Harold B. Lee, Boyd K. Packer and Thomas S. Monson, among others, in a newly formed Church Correlation Committee in the early ‘60s to think they could map out the mind of God with 72 “important ideas” written on index cards and pinned to an office wall? Original Mormon theology shows us that the act of creation and the free giving of free will are one and the same, that man’s intelligence is coeval with God. You will recall that Brigham Young in an aforementioned quote said that the “lives in us, in animals, vegetation, and in shrubbery….are countless and capable of infinite division.” Joseph Smith, to whom Brigham cried out with his dying breaths on his deathbed, stated plainly that:

“There is one principle which is eternal; it is the duty of all men to protect their lives and the lives of the household, whenever necessity requires, and no power has a right to forbid it, should the last extreme arrive.”

– History of the Church 6:605

There is only one sure way of preventing evil forces from usurping and slurping up your Life Force to use for their infernal purposes. That is, by means of your WILL. Not your so-called last will & testament but your Eternal Will and Testimony of Christ. Aligning our will with that of the Father ensures that our life’s work go towards the greater good. But there is always spillage which the Gadianton Robbers will pillage. From the supposed King of Rock Elvis Presley to The King of Pop Michael Jackson, and more recently, Diva Whitney Houston, the evil ones have learned to amass capital and cash in on the masses’ channeled celebration of life through tightly controlled celebrities. Even, and especially the King of Kings Jesus’ passionate performance in that perfectly done death scene in the Never Ending Play was and will forever be, an infinite free for all of kinetic and frenetic energy! In the section of “Spiritual Gift Giving & Receiving” entitled:“Turn Shopping Lists Into Swapping Lists – Sharing With The Stars” and in the warning immediately preceding it, we will find words that may be of much worth to us and our families in seeking to understand this supernatural phenomenon. Upon release, the plosive vibration can be felt as a “plop” a “Pop” or a “POW!” depending on the momentum with which one has invested his talents throughout life. This is why it may seem a little harsh to hear Jesus’ parable condone such severe condemnation of the little man who, after all, was only trying to “play it safe” with that with which he had be entrusted. But with the clear and bright light that is breaking forth upon the minds of men today we can see that the Lord is just. The Lord is just trying to explain to us, the way His justice just is.

Those of us who grew up in the covenant with the peer pressure slogan of “Return With Honor” resounding in our ears, must now allow our children the liberty to rewrite and restore plain and precious truths with a revamped refrain along the lines of “Go Big Before Going Home.” And those of us inducted prior to 1990 must humbly admit that we were born into covenant which was more like a Coven-Ant or ant coven. Observe ants in their colonies and you will see that if one does not follow the rules the others will decapitate their fellow. Were the oaths and penalties associated with the Coven-Ants of the LDS Temp-pulls the strong cords of love which we ought to use to bind our loved ones to us as sealed, Forever-Families? As LDS we have got to shake the beehive mentality of the Insect-In-Us lest we become insensuous –not pertaining to, affecting, or addressing, the senses– in other words insensitive or “past feeling.” Think back to 89 when Boyd K. Packer spoke of the connection between the physical and spiritual senses. Let past feelings be unto you a “psst!feeling; almost a still small voice from offstage, providing needful reminders and feeding you the right lines at the right time in the very moment when the antagonist would try to confound you. If the LDS do not listen up, if they remain PaST feeling; they should not be surprised when the SPiriT of the Lord is “offended and withdraws” feeling pissed. You “temple workers” should know by now –GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED. Feel and heal or feel his wrath!

“Ye are swift to do iniquity, to perpetuate inequity but slow to remember the Lord your God. Ye have seen an angel, but now ye only will see things from your angle, which is not even your own vantage-point in truth, but is one fed to you by mass media. False traditions handed down to you by liars/lawyers, legislators, reporters/repeaters and wizards which peep with Googley eyes and mutter by way of NSA NaySAyers. Your presidents and duly elected officers are soothsayers and truth forsakers, every one. Forked-tongue fakers have replaced the voice of God within you. He spake unto you; yea, ye have heard his voice from time to time; and he hath spoken unto you in a still small voice, but ye were past feeling, that ye could not feel his words; wherefore, he WILL now speak unto you like unto the voice of thunder, which doth cause the earth to shake as if it were to divide asunder.”

1 Nephi 17:45

Admit it….you are evil. For, unless you know of your capacity for wickedness you will remain blind to the evil you participate in every day. Admit it….you are GOOD. For, unless you feel your inner purity you will be unable to rise to the occasion and fight on the side of Christ. Do not suffer these phonies to make you feel like you need to partake of their refreshments, tid-bits of food set out on a small table off to the side of the main speakers as you come to hear their spiel, like one of those meetings we’ve all been invited to, trying to CONvince the attendees to invest in a time-share or multi-level marketing pyramid scheme etc. Do not partake of their cookies and Kool-aid. Their spiel is a spell. When life gives you lemons you can make lemonade and this is spelled with an “a-d-e”. But ‘Kool’ aint ‘Cool’ and their Kill-aid is to aid the enemy in killing your soul. Stop drinking it!

From the Collective Caucasian Consciousness rose the perceived need for the formation of a Church Correlation Committee and from there we have gone to the construction of City Creek Center, a multi-billion dollar shopping mall. Literally, it was Packer and Lee’s “missions” among the Native American peoples that convinced them that such Corral-ation was necessary. Both Ephraimite and Lamanite share in the same sad fate of the Navajo and Hopi people who got sucked into and suckered by those LDS Bishops who acted as if they would or could succor them. Indeed it will require the strength of both Ephraim and Manasseh. But the Navajo who has traded his birthright and accepted a false self-CON-cept of “Nada-Joe” in the BYU Indian Placement Program will have no place in Zion, any more than the Gentile who assumed that the brave sons of Apache and Lakota had to be numbered among the LDS instead of the other way around. We can sit back and watch the curvature of the CCC vortices continue until forming a 666 or we can decide to withdraw our spiritual energy today and let the whirlwind pass over like the destroying angel. We must understand that the separation of wheat from tares does not only take place among individuals. It begins within the individual. When you hear the ominous warning, “Upon MY house shall it begin!,” you should take it PERSONAL. Liken the scriptures unto yourselves. Pay close attention to the parable. The wheat does not remain in the church no matter how dark things get, but is gathered out from her. The tares are those who remain faithful to and active donating their time and talents in the Church to be set ablaze in the last day.

In the virtual world of the internet there is a virtual frenzy of information emerging from the history of the Mormon Church and swirling in the air. The wicked who fight against Zion have seized on the strong spirits of iconic figures like Joseph Smith and Brigham Young in order to help themselves to their charisma and charms in preying upon the sheep. The wicked shepherds, as the Lord calls them in Ezekiel 34, are wolves in sheep’s clothing. If we will take the Lord’s warnings seriously we will understand that sheep do not wear clothing and thus the wolves become a symbol for other entities who appear as fellow brothers and sisters, but are anything but members of Christ’s fold of the human family. In the April Sessions of this year’s Annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Stains, quotes and references to Spencer W. Kimball shot up to well over double the average as recorded over the last decade. Everywhere throughout Utah a group known as LDS Liberty is plastering the words of Pres. Kimball on billboards designed to call into question the war-like ways of the modern American. But nowhere will you hear “The Brethren” use Kimball’s words to seriously challenge the status-quo. The “Children of This World” have been just as Jesus described them, “wiser, in their generation, than the Children of Light.” But, just as boys eventually catch up to girls of their same age group in terms of mental and physical maturity, we, the Children of Light are NOW coming into our OWN to fight the NWO.

We know that prophets are not infallible and in fact make many mistakes. That is the risk one takes when investing his or her talents in service of the Master. We take a risk whenever we employ our agency. Praise be to Jesus for his Eternal At-One-Ment which rewards our risk by taking our faith and faithfulness in a few things and making us lords over many things. I have said to you, that Good and Evil are the ultimate opposites. Or is it Male and Female, Mother and Father?  Whosoever will not accept The Son, as the union of those extreme opposites is doomed to fall out of balance with the Holy Family. If I bear bold witness to you of the nature of spirit and its holy relationship to the flesh, declaring the repentance and purification of past Presidents of the Church; it is not to convince you of my specialness but of your own. We are all the great and noble ones who Father Abraham beheld in vision. It matters not whether we view ourselves as sinful creatures, worthy of whipping with a few stripes or as superior to our brethren, with that type of thinking we should all go to Hell. Jesus will not engage us in this sick role play of bondage and submission. But the Devil is more than happy to. Stop obsessing over these ringleaders with their CTR (Choose The Right) slogan. Start using your RTC (Right To Choose) or you will never have the guts to tell them to shut their gaping jaws of Hell.

We have got to learn to be prophets and prophetesses ourselves or we will not detect the false zion until it has overtaken us. I know I am not alone in the things I have seen in dreams and visions. Cities with pristine grounds-keeping, after the manner and feel of expensive University Campuses, where the “chosen” dwell, attending Temple and glorying in the things of this world, while on the outskirts, the poor struggle in slums. Troops in the streets, earthquakes, destruction and starvation, innocent children sacrificed, many of us have been shown this vision of the future over the last few years and we know that it is the vision that the secret combinations have devised and set in effect.

“The visions and blessings of old are returning,” as the hymn says. But we have got to learn to interpret them and to trust in God more than man. A return missionary in the Fresno, California North Stake by the name of Marc Bordner had been attending the Temple every day for a couple weeks when one day, unexpectedly, a vision of bright light broke upon him while in the dressing room. Over the next couple of days he had a series of visions at home and in the Temple. He could not decipher much of the meaning of many of the strange and wondrous signs he saw. Then he had a dream of the future in which severe food shortages threatened to devastate America. He said that the Bishop’s Storehouses of the Church became one of the only places where one could obtain food so they were converted into grocery stores. Logically these grocery stores generated immense amounts of revenue for the Church. Then Brother Bordner said that he saw, in his dream, a dollar sign with two strokes  and he watched as the two lines became one ($). Then Marc said that the Church founded a bank. And he saw the name of the bank and it was “THE BANK OF ABRAHAM”.

In contrast to the visions he had received, Marc seemed to be very clear on the meaning of his dream. To him it seemed very literal and he felt it was his duty to inform “The Brethren”. He spoke with his bishop who was very afraid when Marc started to tell of the visions he had seen in the Temple. The bishop interrupted Marc and told him that he should speak with the Stake President. An appointment was set up and when the Stake President heard Marc tell him about the visions and the dream, the Stake President became very upset with Marc. He told Marc to repent and to never speak of those things which he had seen to anyone. Marc at first was so impressed by the feelings and sensations accompanying his visions, that he did tell a few people. But since that time he has ceased talking about them and has begun to doubt them. He says he now thinks that he should just repent and forget about the whole thing. But how do you repent of receiving revelation? Why?

A few weeks before Marc confided in me about his personal revelation, I received an email from Daymon Smith a friend who worked in the Church Office Building. He told me that he had a contact who told him that the Church was piloting a new program in the Yucatan, that phased out Welfare, and substituted a more liberal lending policy (with interest) under GBH’s PERPETUAL DEBT-U-CATION FUND. Since I and much of my family were living in Mexico at the time, Daymon wanted to know if we had seen or heard any such things down there. We had indeed seen posters on bulletin boards and heard multiple invitations from local leaders to any and all interested youth, to attend meetings where the law of tithing would be discussed and where they could enroll in the programmes the Church offered them for funding their education. By the time that Daymon made this inquiry, however, none of us were attending regular Church meetings and had not for almost 4 months. The taboo of breaking away from the religious system was a strong force and we felt, at first, the need to not openly advertise the fact that we were “inactive”. But within a short time spiritual manifestations began to unfold before us and the whole family began an adventure in the spirit that continues to lead us to further light and knowledge. When our friend, Daymon, later asked us to help him out with an anthropological study he was doing, we had to politely decline to take precious time to interview Mexican Mormons. But the things our eyes and ears did take in were astounding to us. Almost like the servant of Helaman, who discovered and intercepted Kishkumen in his murderous objectives, we found ourselves open to information that would have normally been concealed from us. Our good friend, who owned a restaurant in a major port city, informed us of the visit of a “Mormon leader with his many wives and bodyguards.” We knew this man was not from the Salt Lake faction and later discovered that he had come from Colonia Juárez. Established in 1886, the colony was one of many colonies in Mexico settled by Mormon pioneers. This colonization was part of the larger LDS campaign to establish the State of Deseret while evading the anti-polygamy Edmunds Act of 1882. Mormon colonies outside of the U.S. proved financially important to the LDS Church during this time when the U.S. Federal government had confiscated much of Church holdings. There are many descendants of these colonies that have attained prominence in both countries, including Mitt Romney. In my younger years, in a history class in high-school, I felt the Spirit witness to me that the Roman Empire was a very literal representation of the “beast that was, and is not, and yet is” (Revelation 17). John Lennon spoke the truth when he said “Today America is the Roman Empire.If Mitt is admitted into the presidency it is because the Unholy Union of Church and State is finally complete. It is a good cop/bad cop routine, of which even the Devil himself is growing weary. He is anxious to expose himself so that we may worship him more fully. But if the two are merging before our eyes it is only our perspective which has changed. The divisive effects of the forbidden fruit upon our psyche are beginning to wear off. When we come to, we will no longer see double but with a new clarity we can see the devil.


In parting, I have a few words to say to the wicked who fight against Zion. In parting truth from error I am under no illusions. I know that the two are related. We used to say “The Church is true”. Many of those who we once sustained as leaders labored for you, whether knowingly or unknowingly. The day after the ribbon cutting ceremony for the City Creek Center Shopping Mall, you released a movie called ‘The Hunger Games’ as a sneak preview of your awful plans and to garnish the power of the emotions and subconscious of the public. In it, you depicted a glistening city in the mountains called “The Capitol” where the ruling class brought poor youth (ages 12–18) from the surrounding countryside (divided into 12 districts) to compete in a gruesome televised battle to the death during the 74th Annual Hunger Games. Anyone with eyes to see will notice the dilapidated handcarts strewn about the poverty stricken scenes. It requires little imagination to understand that you are targeting the Mormon people. You dressed the youth in washed out colors and styles vaguely similar to the FLDS but crossed with a preppy 1950s look. The looming grey stone buildings and the huge video screens broadcasting a not so fictional Pres. Snow’s address to the people. The 74th Annual General Conference in April of 1904 was when the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints finally capitulated once and for all to the demands of the Washington.

You proponents of the False Zion that was, and is not, and yet is to come, seem to take great offense when we lift up our voices to preach against unrighteous dominion. But the corporation is without feeling, so we know that we need not act as if we must spare its feelings. You have used the past transgressions of past Prophets, Presidents and other overly reverenced men, to convince us to lend support for the False Zion now sprawling across the landscape. But if the Salt has lost its savor then Salt Lake City turns to False Fake City Utah. Repentance is rethinking. Repentance is time travel. The Lord remembers Brigham’s sins no more. So, that which you fools are working for no longer matters nor does it exist. It is an illusion, a mirage, glaring on the road ahead of you and blinding your eyes. Upon arrival you will find that it has already been disassembled. We, the Children of Light, are realizing that the Kingdom of Heaven is within us, like Willow Ufgood and his fellow travelers upon arriving at the fabled kingdom of Tir Asleen, only to find it has been cursed, in the movie Willow.

The future only looks to be undetermined. The HOR-I-ZON is a place where the wHORe of Babylon and the ZONe of GOD appear to coincide in an eternal struggle. But the ((I)) of individual choice and agency stands between the two and is the One God who pronounces final judgment with the concept on the right hand and the CONcept on the left. You whorish workers of inequity appealed to our desire for community with the concept of We The Peoplebut we now realize that “w – e” were divided by the wHORe in the first place. A whore is someone who sells the CONcept of “Love for Money”. Such a transaction is impossible. After we have bought into that scam we do not like to admit to being duped. Thus you have been suck-cess-full in leading us in a soulless chorus of corporate sound-bites. This has been music to your ears. But we are changing our tune, and the ZION-NOIZ will be excruciating to your egos. In the chapel we sang “Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of Heaven.” In the office we said that “There’s no ‘I’ in t-e-a-m.” But there is a ‘ME’ in there. As we invest ourselves fully in the right side, we find that the ‘I’ remains intact as part of the ZION of Our God.

I have said that repentance is time travel. We saints press forward still, but we have now discovered the more full range of movement that the at-one-ment grants us. With truly forward thinkers like the Prophet of the Opening of this Last Dispensation, we are free to also move backwards. Through our repentance we have undone your chains of false unity. When we prevail it will be for you as when a hungry man dreameth, and, behold, he eateth; but he awaketh, and his soul is empty: so shall the multitude of all the nations be, that fight against mount Zion. (Isaiah 29:8) So much for your 10 year and 100 year plans. While among us in the flesh, Brigham seemed to be under the impression that God only could “organize and build” whereas the Devil’s “whole study was to destroy” (DBY, p. 69). This misunderstanding has been exploited by Zion’s enemies. 10 years after Packer’s mischief, lawyer, Dalin H. Oaks, pulled a fast one over the pulpit. He quoted B.Y. and then added, “Whatever builds people up serves the cause of the Master(?), and whatever tears people down serves the cause of the adversary. We support one cause or the other every day, by our patronage (“Powerful Ideas,” General Conference, Oct. of 1995). Powerful ideas indeed! But the Holy Trinity is more than a Father & Sons Construction Company.You lack a full understanding of the Godhead! If you want your version of zion, don’t worry, you shall have it. Go ahead!  Have joy in it while you can. But be aware that afterwards we will bring up the rearward and your evil will be rewarded with evil. Generator Operator Destroyer (GOD) lives inside us. So make sure you stay on our good side. Stay out of our way we will stay out of yours. Paul, the original badass apostle, stated clearly that “our struggle is not against flesh and blood,” So we have stopped fighting bodies – especially our own. We feel the kingdom of God within us and we know if we stand in its way then we will be swept aside in the destruction. You should know that the same goes for you, you den of vipers. Do not forget the second part to Paul’s words. We DO fight against the rulers, against the authorities, even general authorities, against the powers, the cosmic powers over this darkness presently filling the world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms, yea the spiritual wickedness in high places. Those “high places” are first and foremost in our own heads atop our bodies. We call power down from the higher to the lower chakras to serve God’s purposes. From there, the stone rolls forth into all corners of this sphere as we invoke the spirit of Capt. Moroni to pull down power.

“Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots.”

–     Matt. 15:13

So to all my enemies I say, “PLUCK YOU!” Pluck all the phony friends of Zion out by the roots. All the plants from the CFR, FBI, CES, COB, BYU……pluck em! These are the words of Brigham Young to modern-day Mormons and Masons, and to the whole world. Oh how I loved dancing in my day. DANCE, my people! Dance with the Devil to his downfall! It is all a dance. The battle is the Lord’s. Let us then dance onto the battle field rejoicing like the Israelites under King Jehoshaphat. Let us be carried away in the righteous rhythm that beat in the indomitable hearts and pumped through the veins of the stippling warriors; who did not doubt what their mothers knew. But the time has come to transcend even our dear earthly biological mothers if necessary – to answer the rallying cry of The Son to the defense of our goddess our HEAVENLY MOTHER EARTH. We have the honor of being numbered among the remnant and assisting in the building of a true Zion. Make no mistake, those who consider themselves our enemies are coming out of the woodwork. These enemies in secret chambers seeketh your lives. You hear of wars in far countries, and you say that there will soon be great wars in far countries, but you know not the hearts of men in your own land. I know of whereof I speak. We say of Brother Joseph, and it is true, that, mingling with gods he can plan for his brethren. Well, mingling with Masons one may also plan for his brethren. Shortly the wickedness of men will reveal these things unto you by their wickedness, in a manner which shall speak in your ears with a voice louder than that which shall shake the earth; but if ye are prepared ye shall not fear. Fear not the devil worshipers. In setting one manifestation of God above all others, the Luciferians make the same mistake that most of these Sectarians do. The joke is on them. For, though they suppose themselves in the service of Satan, they will one day see that the devil himself works for Almighty God.


Is anarchism compatible with D&C 134?

quantumsaint asked me recently about my take on D&C 134. I told him that I would write about this topic in a separate post (this one.) In the meantime, I gave him a link to the Church Education System (CES) web site that contains the text of the Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual Religion 324 and 325 that spoke of D&C 134. I had originally intended to use only section 134 as my text, but some of the things said in the student manual warrant attention, so I will use both articles for this post.

I consider D&C 134 to be just what it purports to be: “a declaration of beliefs” given by the Church leaders of that time so that their “belief with regard to earthly governments and laws in general” might “not be misinterpreted or misunderstood.” It was simply their “opinion concerning the same.” (See the heading to Doctrine and Covenants section 134.) Each of the 12 verses of the article begin with the words, “We believe…” and that is how I view this document, as their belief. When analyzing the document for truth, I use the revelations found in the Standard Works to judge it. I do not use this document as equal in “measuring authority” as the other parts of the scriptures. It is not a revelation and does not purport to be one.

It is also apparent from the wording of the document, that it was meant to allay suspicion and to calm down the fears of non-members who thought that we were fanatics, obeying our prophet leader no matter what he said, even if those commandments were against the laws of the land.

The CES student manual gives a good historical summary of the document:

Historical Summary

A general assembly of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was held at Kirtland, Ohio, on 17 August 1835 to formally accept the collection of revelations to be published as the first edition of the Doctrine and Covenants. After the priesthood quorums and then the congregation unanimously accepted the revelations, “Elder William W. Phelps arose and read an article prepared by Oliver Cowdery, on marriage. This was on vote ordered to be published also in the volume with the revelations. Then President Oliver Cowdery arose and read an article, ‘Of Governments and Laws in General,’ and this likewise was ordered by vote to be published with the book of revelations. Neither of these articles was a revelation to the Church.” (Smith, Church History and Modern Revelation, 2:30.)

The article on government was included in that edition of the Doctrine and Covenants as a statement of belief and as a rebuttal to accusations against the Saints. “The reason for the article on ‘Government and Laws in General,’ is explained in the fact that the Latter-day Saints had been accused by their bitter enemies, both in Missouri and in other places, as being opposed to law and order. They had been portrayed as setting up laws in conflict with the laws of the country.” (Smith, Church History and Modern Revelation, 2:30–31.)

This declaration of belief has been included in editions of the Doctrine and Covenants since its proposal in 1835. When it was read and voted on, “the Prophet Joseph Smith and his second counselor, Frederick G. Williams, were in Canada on a missionary journey, and the Prophet did not return to Kirtland until Sunday, August 23rd, one week after the Assembly had been held. Since the Assembly had voted to have [the articles on government and marriage] published in the Doctrine and Covenants, the Prophet accepted the decision and permitted this to be done.

“It should be noted that in the minutes, and also in the introduction to this article on government, the brethren were careful to state that this declaration was accepted as the belief, or ‘opinion’ of the officers of the Church, and not as a revelation, and therefore does not hold the same place in the doctrines of the Church as do the revelations.” (Smith and Sjodahl, Commentary, p. 852.)

Certain statements of this document require modifiers or qualifiers to be true and I believe that the intent was to have the scriptures themselves be the modifiers and qualifiers, hence the use of certain general statements. The specifics of what is meant are found in the scriptures. The same technique was used in the U.S. Constitution, in which certain very general phrases were used, followed by specific phrases which modified and qualified (or explained the meaning of) the general phrases. Whoever wrote it (I will assume it was Oliver Cowdery) crafted every word with the precision of a lawyer writing a legal document. It is very well-written.

We believe that governments were instituted of God for the benefit of man; and that he holds men accountable for their acts in relation to them, both in making laws and administering them, for the good and safety of society. (D&C 134: 1)

First off, the past tense is used (“governments were instituted of God”) not the present tense. The implication, of course, is that there are no current governments that are instituted of God, including the U.S. government. Oliver probably had in mind those instances in the scriptures in which the Lord established the people himself. Since this verse is qualified by the scriptures, it can only refer to those governments which were instituted by God, and not to those which were not. He then switches to the present tense (“he holds men accountable”) when speaking of our relation to current governments. This is, of course, true. Once we reach the age of accountability, he holds us accountable for all our actions. The non-member who casually reads this will think that the Mormons are saying that all governments are good and have the approbation of God. The verse, though, isn’t saying this.

We believe that no government can exist in peace, except such laws are framed and held inviolate as will secure to each individual the free exercise of conscience, the right and control of property, and the protection of life (D&C 134: 2)

This verse is also completely true. These rights are necessary for peace to exist, at least the peace of those who are so protected in their rights. (It is important to recognize that at the time these words were penned, slavery was legal in America. Although Oliver stated “to each individual,” the definition of the word individual probably did not include slaves. I’ll leave it at that.)

We believe that all governments necessarily require civil officers and magistrates to enforce the laws of the same; and that such as will administer the law in equity and justice should be sought for and upheld by the voice of the people if a republic, or the will of the sovereign. (D&C 134: 3)

Here Oliver starts talking about civil governments (the State,) explaining that the State needs the force of violence to make sure people obey its laws, otherwise people will opt out of paying taxes, etc., and the State will cease to exist. Oliver here isn’t approving of the State, he’s only stating the obvious. He also explains the best type of people to administer State laws: equitable and just people. These are the people who should be sought for and upheld. This is all true. He does not state, though, who should do the seeking and upholding. In other words, he does not state that the LDS should seek to support the State. But, the verse is sufficiently vague to get a non-member thinking that the LDS support the State, support the State’s violence, and are all for elections, etc.

We believe that religion is instituted of God; and that men are amenable to him, and to him only, for the exercise of it, unless their religious opinions prompt them to infringe upon the rights and liberties of others; but we do not believe that human law has a right to interfere in prescribing rules of worship to bind the consciences of men, nor dictate forms for public or private devotion; that the civil magistrate should restrain crime, but never control conscience; should punish guilt, but never suppress the freedom of the soul. (D&C 134: 4)

When talking of religion, Oliver uses the present tense (religion is instituted of God.) As with other portions of this document, the scriptures qualify and modify the statements, so that Oliver isn’t saying that all religion is instituted of God, only that there is a religion that is currently instituted of God (the LDS religion.) A non-member casually reading this verse wouldn’t catch the real meaning. The rest of the verse explains that States have no business in regulating religion, unless crimes are committed in the name of religion.

We believe that all men are bound to sustain and uphold the respective governments in which they reside, while protected in their inherent and inalienable rights by the laws of such governments; and that sedition and rebellion are unbecoming every citizen thus protected, and should be punished accordingly; and that all governments have a right to enact such laws as in their own judgments are best calculated to secure the public interest; at the same time, however, holding sacred the freedom of conscience. (D&C 134: 5)

Americans had fairly recently gotten over a Revolutionary War, in which they broke with another government, so the key words here are “while protected in their inherent and inalienable rights by the laws of such governments” and “thus protected.” The message portrayed is that Mormons would be as patriotic as the original patriots who fought the British, if it came to it, but while government is just, we submit peacefully to it.

So far, these verses are compatible with anarchy. Then comes verse six…

We believe that every man should be honored in his station, rulers and magistrates as such, being placed for the protection of the innocent and the punishment of the guilty; and that to the laws all men show respect and deference, as without them peace and harmony would be supplanted by anarchy and terror; human laws being instituted for the express purpose of regulating our interests as individuals and nations, between man and man; and divine laws given of heaven, prescribing rules on spiritual concerns, for faith and worship, both to be answered by man to his Maker. (D&C 134: 6)

Way back then, the word anarchy carried a different meaning than it does now. English is not static and shades of meaning come and go with the passage of time. By consulting Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary, we learn what anarchy meant to Oliver:

AN’ARCHY, n. [Gr. rule.] Want of government; a state of society, when there is no law or supreme power, or when the laws are not efficient, and individuals do what they please with impunity; political confusion. (taken from

AN’ARCHIST, n. An anarch; one who excites revolt, or promotes disorder in a state. (taken from

ANARCH’ICAL, a. Without rule of government; in a state of confusion; applied to a state or society. Fielding uses anarchial, a word of less difficult pronunciation. (taken from

AN’ARCH, n. [See Anarchy.] The author of confusion; one who excites revolt. (taken from

The sense of these definitions is that anarchy was a state of confusion due to no laws or due to people disregarding laws. Anarchy was also associated with violence, or exciting to revolt, as Webster put it. (I suppose the American Revolutionaries were probably considered anarchs by the British, as they excited the people to revolt from the king.) Over time, anarchy acquired other shades of meaning, including, essentially, a non-coercive, cooperative society based upon only private laws, including customary laws, whether written or unwritten, as opposed to societies based upon coerced public or State laws.

Although the words anarchy and anarchism have acquired newer shades of meaning, most people still associate it with its initial shade and with a state of disorder and violence, instead of the peaceful, naturally-ordered society that is also called anarchy. General authorities-prophets, apostles, seventies and First Presidencies-still give talks and make statements using the initial shade of meaning of anarchy, to the exclusion of the new uses of the word. So, this must be kept in mind when hearing someone in or out of the church use the term anarchy in a negative way.

I won’t take the time to go through the rest of the document (verses 7-12). Oliver continues to carefully qualify some of his statements, such as saying in verse 8 that “crime should be punished” by the State but without giving the nature of the punishment. He only states that crimes “should be punished according to their criminality and their tendency to evil among men.” Likewise, in verse 11 he explains that redress of wrongs should be appealed to the State “where such laws exist as will protect” men.

My conclusion is that Doctrine and Covenants 134 is entirely compatible with the modern understanding of anarchism and anarchy. Therefore, modern anarchists can accept it. But it is also compatible with statism, so statists can accept it. And, I think, that is the usefulness of the document, in that it can be used to calm people’s fears concerning the beliefs of LDS in respect to government. If Mitt Romney and other LDS who are running for office were smart, they would just point to this document when asked where their religion stood in its view of government.

Now, one last item… Under the section speaking of verse 1, the CES student manual has a paragraph about anarchy that needs to addressed:

Elder Erastus Snow explained: “Anarchy—shall I say, is the worst of all governments? No: Anarchy is the absence of all government; it is the antipodes [opposite] of order; it is the acme of confusion; it is the result of unbridled license, the antipodes of true liberty. The Apostle Paul says truly: ‘For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.’ At first this is a startling statement. Even the monopoly of the one-man-power as in Russia [the Czar], or the monopoly of the aristocracy as in other parts of Europe, or the imbecility and sometimes stupidity of a republic like our own, is far better than no government at all. And for this reason, says the Apostle Paul, ‘The powers are ordained of God,’ not that they are always the best forms of government for the people, or that they afford liberty and freedom to mankind but that any and all forms of government are better than none at all, having a tendency as they do to restrain the passions of human nature and to curb them, and to establish and maintain order to a greater or less degree. One monopoly is better than many; and the oppression of a king is tolerable, but the oppression of a mob, where every man is a law to himself and his own right arm, is his power to enforce his own will, is the worst form of government.” (In Journal of Discourses, 22:151.)

I bet that this paragraph is the reason why CES students who take this course suddenly get the idea that anarchy is evil. Growing up in the church, I often heard the phrase, “Any government is better than no government, at all.” Anarchy, according to this thought, is to be avoided at all costs. The end of the Nephite civilization, when everyone was raping and killing everyone else, would be the picture painted by this type of anarchy.

It is important to understand that the meaning of the word ‘anarchy” used by Elder Snow (and other church leaders, past and present) has none of the modern connotations. The anarchy he describes is equated with disorder and chaos. However, the modern shades of meaning can mean an ordered society, based upon private laws. Anarchy is the natural state, the natural order, in which each person governs himself and learns to peacefully exist with others through cooperation. This is why anarchists often say, contrary to Elder Snow’s remarks, that anarchy is order.

Next Anarchism/Anarchy article: Abraham Lincoln

Previous Anarchism/Anarchy article: LDS make the best anarchists

Complete List of Articles authored by LDS Anarchist

Why voting is so important to the State

In blogs everywhere, Christians are discussing the “Mitt Romney” issue. The Christians are applying the scriptures they find in the Bible to determine whether it is justifiable for them (being Christians) to vote for a Mormon (a non-Christian, in their view.) Everyone believes the state propaganda that “it is our patriotic, civic duty to vote” without questioning the origins or truthfulness of the statement. The state, though, doesn’t care whether you vote for a Christian, a Muslim or an atheist, only that you vote.

There is a great chasm between the way the Lord works in his church and the way the state operates. The Lord himself chooses the rulers of his church, but only with the common consent of the people. If the people disapprove, the person called does not get set apart. The law of common consent is practiced by voting, a hand up for, a hand up against, or no hand up, at all. The majority always decides the issue. Although these are religious offices of power, none of the offices are sought or campaigned for. Plus the “voice of the people” can veto anything and everything without limit, although currently, this voice is nearly always unanimous in the affirmative at all levels.

Now, let’s compare that to state offices. The state is a means of force or compulsion. All its offices are offices of power. How are the offices filled? Through people seeking them and campaigning for them. This is fundamentally different than how offices are filled in the Lord’s church.

To put this in better perspective, consider Jehovah and Lucifer, during the time when a savior was to be chosen. Two volunteers spoke up when the Father asked who he should send. One sought for the power of God (Satan – “wherefore, give me thine honor,”) while the other didn’t (Jesus – “the glory be thine forever.”) The Father chose the one who didn’t seek the power. Thus, the doctrine of seeking for power is satanic in nature. It is how the devil operates. It is the same doctrine used by the king-men of the Book of Mormon, or any group of individuals who desire to rule over men.

Now, back to Mitt (and all others running for election.) There are two ways to get elected in this country. One way is not to run for office, not to seek it, not to campaign for it, but the majority writes your name in anyway and you become the elected official which you can then accept or reject. That is one way. The other way is to run for office, campaign for it and seek it out as much as possible and then, on election day, discover that the people chose you to rule instead of others. That may not seem like much a difference, but it is. One way is the way of Jesus, the other way is the way of Satan.

Many people running for office, and those voting for them, will tend to think of elected officials and the seeking and campaigning involved to obtain these positions of power as merely another type of job and that this is the way these jobs are obtained. But state positions are not private positions. They are positions of power in that they wield the ability to throw you into prison, depriving you of life, liberty and property. Public office are offices of force, backed by the arm of the state. Private jobs are offices of negotiation. No private office carries the ability to jail you, deprive you of property or even life. These are fundamentally different offices.

Generally, those Americans who plan on voting during Election 2008 or any other election will vote for men and women who are power-seekers. No matter how honest and upright you may start out, once you begin seeking for power over the children of men, you come under the jurisdiction of the devil, for this is how he operates and one of the ways he can gain influence over men.

Now, to wrap up this post. The state understands that when people seek for power through political office and when people vote for these power-seekers, the system of rule that is currently set up remains established and the power can continue to be concentrated in the hands of those that rule. The state must keep the people divided into those that rule and those that are ruled by spreading propaganda among the masses that by participating in the elections, they will have a say in how the rulers rule over them and over everyone else. It is a doctrine of the slave choosing his master.

Only anarchy can change the status quo and remove the rulers, making all men equal, but anarchy has no chance among voters (who support the current system,) only among non-voters (those disaffected by the state.) As the state fears anarchy most of all, because it removes its power completely, it must encourage “get out the vote” campaigns.

Next Anarchism/Anarchy article: Free-church vs. state-church

Previous Anarchism/Anarchy article: Stateless in Somalia: How Clannish Anarchy Works

Complete List of Articles authored by LDS Anarchist