Asthma is Officially Cured

Actually, I’m not sure that this cure will work on every asthmatic, but I’m going to make that assumption anyway and all you asthmatics, parents of asthmatics, and friends of asthmatics can prove me right, (or prove me wrong.)

Okay so, watch me single-handedly destroy all the billions in profits that the pharmaceutical industry makes on asthma medications, as I, the LDS Anarchist, with this singular post, show all asthmatics how to immediately stop an asthma attack WITHOUT ANY MEDICATION WHATSOEVER.

Here is what I want every asthmatic to do, and also every parent of an asthmatic: the next time you have an asthma attack, or your child has an asthma attack, I want you to do what this post tells you to do, or to have your child do it, and when you see that you or your child can instantly breathe, without needing an inhaler, I want you to get this message out to everyone you know.  I want you to share this post far and wide, with everyone, whether they are asthmatic or not, and to send along your testimonial of what you personally observed in this bronchial-dilating effect.  I also want you to put a comment down below in the comment section, with your observations and testimonial.

Although the information in this post will entirely gut the asthma profits of the pharmaceutical companies, making all asthma medication obsolete, so that they can’t and will never be able to make money on asthma again, and although this will cause the modern epidemic of asthma to go away forever, it won’t happen unless word gets out.  I can put this information out on this blog of mine, but it won’t do a thing to make a dent to stop asthma unless others share this information vigorously.  Post it everywhere, online, offline, whatever.  If this information works on all, and I believe it will, then there is no more need for any child or adult asthmatic to ever gasp for breath again, and by Christmas-time this very year (2015), if vigorously promoted and applied, this entire nation can finally be rid of asthma, and we can then try to get the word out to the rest of the world, for the pharmaceutical industry rakes in grotesque profits in other nations, too, feeding on their ignorance.

So, I’m going to alter a singular condition among men, right now this very day, among Americans, by giving you, the American people, knowledge that no one but I alone possess, and then you go ahead and take that knowledge and tell everyone else.  And please, do run with this knowledge.  I have seen far too much suffering by asthma.  Which, as of today, is now needless suffering.  So, on to the cure:

The cause of asthma

Asthma is chronic dehydration.  The body of an asthmatic is in an emergency state, in which the alarm bells are ringing, the red lights are flashing, and the body is trying, desperately, to ration every last drop of available water, so that all critical systems get what they need, at the expense of non-critical systems.

The “man” in charge of this water-rationing program sees the alert sign flashing, “Systemic Drought!  All Water Must Be Rationed!” and says to his henchmen, “The stupid owner of this body still hasn’t drunk enough water.  We’ve got to ration more water!”

“But, sir, there is no more water left to ration, and nothing is coming in.  Plus the dummy keeps eating and drinking things that dehydrate him further!” replies the chief henchman.

“There is always more water to ration.  There, over there.  That water over there.  Ration it,” says the “man” in charge.

“Over where?”

“Over there,” pointing to the lungs.  “See all that water vapor escaping as the idiot breathes out?  Stop it from escaping.  Constrict the bronchial tubes so that not so much water is lost.”

“But then he won’t be able to breathe.”

“That’s not my problem.  The sign reads, ‘Systemic Drought!  All Water Must Be Rationed!’ and that is what I’ve got to take care of.  Besides, serves him right that he won’t be able to breathe. Maybe he’ll get the message that we need more water down here.”

“Okay, sir!  As you wish.  It shall be done immediately!”

And so the poor man gets an asthma attack, the bronchial tubes constricting, and he, gasping for breath has no option other than to suffer and perhaps even die, if he can’t get those bronchial tubes open again.

The pharmaceutical industry knows the cause of asthma

They know it is simply chronic dehydration.  They know that if people drank more water, drank less or altogether eliminated the dehydrating beverages they drink, ate less dry food, etc., that they would not suffer the effects of asthma.  It takes years to get a body into a chronically dehydrated state and it will likely take years to get the body back into a hydrated state, but telling people this information would be bad for business, so they keep their damn mouths shut.  Besides, once there is an asthma attack ongoing, there is simply no way to stop it.  The medication they manufacture is absolutely necessary, even if an asthmatic has begun the process of re-hydrating himself.  Or so they tell themselves.

You see, these medications typically are anti-histamines, and histamine is an osmo-regulator.  (Osmo means water.)  So they know the exact cause of asthma (chronic dehydration) but refuse to divulge this information to the masses.  And even if they told the people, they still would need to manufacture medications, because an asthma attack is impossible to stop.

Asthma attacks were impossible to stop, YESTERDAY

But today, courtesy of your friendly, neighborhood LDS Anarchist, I now know how to stop an attack in its tracks.  Without medication.  With better effect than any medication.  Therefore, as of today, asthma attacks are your friend and are totally manageable.

Yes, I said, “Asthma attacks are your friend”

How in the world is an asthmatic going to know they are not getting enough water, if not for an asthma attack?  That attack let’s you know you gotta chug down some of that life-giving fluid.  Those medications that you take in pill form, which prevent asthma attacks from happening, are defeating the purpose, for now that there are no attacks, you continue in your dehydrating ways.  And those inhalers also defeat the purpose, because instead of reaching for a glass of water, you just use the inhaler and the “man” in charge of water rationing in your body still doesn’t get what he needs to keep things functioning correctly.  So, these medications hijack the process of re-hydration.

But there is another reason why the medications are bad: they themselves de-hydrate the body!  So by using them you are exacerbating the situation.

Therefore, I want you to think of asthma attacks from now on as your body’s friendly reminder to drink some water.  With the information in this post they are no longer life-threatening, therefore they should be regarded as friendly, merely as a courtesy reminder.

No more bashing on Big Pharma

From here on out I’m not going to bash on Big Pharma, because despite their despicable behavior in keeping this hydration issue from the public, they don’t know how to stop an asthma attack without medication.  Only I know how to do it.

Credit given where credit is due

I owe the late Doctor Batmanghelidj a debt of thanks for his research into the effects on water on the body, and more especially for his impeccable research in which he determined the exact cause of asthma: chronic dehydration.  Also, he is owed gratitude for his discovery that drinking two (8-10 ounce) glasses of water will cause the adrenal glands to produce adrenaline, which will cause a bronchial-dilating effect.  Unfortunately, this effect doesn’t happen instantly, but may take 15 to 20 minutes, even up to 30 minutes, before the adrenaline finally hits the lungs and soothes the savage beast.  His idea was that an asthmatic should get in the habit of noticing when an asthma attack is about to happen, and when “that cough” or other sign first makes its appearance, to immediately reach for two glasses and drink them down, thus, perhaps, averting the attack, or at the very least, lessening its effect.

His strides in this area have helped a great many people, but, unfortunately, they did not altogether release the masses from their reliance upon inhalers and other medication, for if the attack was not averted, you still had to deal with it, and the only recourse was an inhaler.

Now, before continuing, I want to say something about inhalers and other asthma medications, something that every asthmatic knows or has experienced: there comes a point of dehydration in which the body is so severely dry that these medications have no effect, whatsoever.  No matter how many puffs you take, or pills you pop, only a visit to the emergency room will stop the attack, via an injection, and even then, sometimes, that doesn’t work.  The body doesn’t want or need those drugs, it wants water.

Okay, so another shout out goes to those Russian researchers, who, unfortunately, I don’t remember your names or the name of your research, but I read the research you guys did on asthmatics, which led me to my discovery and knowledge of how to stop an asthma attack, which discovery will be revealed in this post.  I suppose they stumbled upon the effect by observing asthmatics having an asthma attack.

You see, when an asthmatic has an asthma attack, they instinctively close their mouths and breath through pursed lips.  I suppose these guys thought, “Hmmm…maybe that is what you are supposed to do?  Maybe if we take a bunch of asthmatics and tape their mouths almost closed, so that only a little hole allows air through, perhaps that would make them breath easier?”  And they performed the experiment and had some asthmatic kids sleep with their mouths taped almost closed and they found that, sure enough, they had less or no asthma that night.  (Nighttime is typically a bad time for asthmatics, when asthma attacks like to hit.  This is because of the prone position of the body.  I ain’t gonna explain why this is, just know that it is.)

So, kudos and credit goes out to those guys.  Okay, on to the cure:

How to immediately stop an asthma attack

When an asthmatic has an asthma attack, and starts to gasp for breath, this is all he or she has to do to stop it:

1) Purse your lips so that the diameter is less than what you would use to whistle.  The smaller the better.

2) Now breathe through this hole.  Do one exhalation and one inhalation.  It will be difficult to get the air through, but you will notice that it will be possible, despite your former gasping, for already the body has started to hijack the attack.

3) Now start to exhale.  After you have started to exhale, contract your abdominal muscles and force all the air out of your lungs that you possibly can.  Congratulations.  Your asthma attack in now officially over.

4) Now start to inhale.  You will notice that your breathing has slowed down to a freaking crawl, as if your whole body has been relaxed by some miracle drug.  In truth, it probably has.  This will be a first count inhalation.

5) Now exhale, still keeping the pursed lips, but don’t force the air out of your lungs.  Just breathe out whatever comes out naturally.

6) Now inhale.  This is your second count inhalation.

7) Now exhale.

8) Now inhale.  This is your third count inhalation.

9) Now start to exhale and after you’ve started to exhale, contract your abdominals again and force all the air out again.

10) Now inhale.  (1st count.)  Now exhale.  Now inhale.  (2nd count.)  Now exhale.  Now inhale (3rd count.)

11) Now start to exhale, and after you’ve started to exhale, contract your abdominals again and force out all the air.  This is the third and final time you will force the air out.

12) Now inhale, but this time, start enlarging the diameter of your pursed lips, still keeping the air friction up as the air goes through your lips, but just make the hole slightly larger.

13) Now exhale, and again make the hole just a tad bit larger.

14) Now inhale, and again make the hole just a little larger in diameter.

15) Now exhale, and once again make the hole a little larger.

16) Now inhale, and make the hole larger still.

17) Now close your mouth and breathe out your nose.  Notice that there is no more wheezing, constricted lungs, gasping for breath.  Nothing but easy breathing.  The asthma attack is over and your bronchial tubes are fully dialated.  Nevertheless, this bronchial-dilating effect is not permanent, but is merely temporary, therefore…

18) now that you can breathe, drink down two 8-10 ounce glasses of water.

19) If the attack comes back, just repeat the breathing technique without drinking the water afterward.  Eventually, those glasses of water will activate your adrenal glands and you’ll get a long-lasting bronchial-dilation from them.

20) Congratulations.  You are now officially cured of your asthma and are in total control of your condition.  Just make sure you follow good hydration practices and you’ll be fine.

Why this works

I do not know why this works, but I will provide a speculation, nonetheless.

When there is an asthma attack, the body is in “Water!  Water!  We need water!” mode and so releases a chemical that constricts the bronchial tubes so that not so much water vapor escapes.  But when you purse your lips, the body starts to switch gears immediately and the emergency message becomes, “Air!  Air!  We need air!”  This causes the body to let up on the chemical that keeps the bronchial tubes constricted.  And when you empty out all the air from your lungs, the message changes immediately to, “Holy Freaking Cow!  We’re Going to Freaking Die this Very Freaking Moment if We Don’t Get Some Freaking Air In!  Open the Tubes IMMEDIATELY!!!!!” And so the body stops production of the chemical which causes the bronchial tubes to constrict and immediately releases a chemical which causes them to fully dilate.  Ingenious, huh?

So, this little air breathing technique causes the body to instantly switch signals and release the precise, naturally-produced chemical that opens the bronchial tubes.  Asthma is now cured.  You’re very welcome.

Strategies on how to re-hydrate yourself

Drink lots of water each and every day.  Stay off the low-sodium diets.  Salt and water is what is needed for proper hydration.  Stay off the soft drinks.  Stay off the hard liquor.  Stay off the coffee.  These beverages dehydrate more than hydrate.  Eat moist, hydrated foods, whenever possible.  Drink 1 to 2 glasses of water a half hour before you eat a meal.  This will get your body hydrated and ready to digest the meal, because digesting food requires lots of water.  If the meal is big, drink 3 glasses a half hour before.  Make sure you have access to water and/or carry around a bottle of water with you.

Now that you can breathe, there is no more excuse to miss out on exercise or other strenuous activities.  So get some exercise.  Don’t worry about exercise-induced asthma attacks.  You’ve got your breathing technique mastered, right?  It is a piece of cake to do and master.  Don’t worry about allergy-triggered asthma attacks.  You can breathe-technique your way out of them.  On those days that allergens are high, just drink more water than normal.  Don’t worry about dry, hot, windy days that dehydrate you more than normal.  Just drink more water on those days and perhaps, eat more salty foods.

Panic-induced asthma attacks?  Not a problem with this breathing technique.  So you can forget about taking your inhaler with you.  If this works for you, you don’t need an inhaler or any other asthma medication.  Throw the damn things out.  (Asthmatics, if they forget to take their inhaler with them, or if they lose it, are totally fine until they learn that this item, which is essential for their survival, is not available.  Then they panic, causing an asthma attack to take place, which can become life-threatening, now that they don’t have their inhaler with them.)

Like I said above, it likely took you years to become as dehydrated as you are, so it may take years of re-hydration to get your body back to full hydration.  But it is no sweat, now that you can fully deal with attacks.  And these attacks will alert you to whenever you are falling behind on your re-hydration practices.  Eventually, you won’t ever have any more attacks, but continue to re-hydrate yourself anyway.

What to do with all that medication money you saved

Use it to buy full page advertisements in newspapers and magazines, telling people about this new asthma cure, or some other way to promote it.  Or, if you are feeling really grateful, you can send me a thank you (Federal Reserve) note.  😉

Addendum: Four Follow-Up Comments

1st Comment—  One thing I probably should have mentioned in the post is that the breathing technique can be practiced when the breathing is normal. One need not wait until an asthma attack is present to try it out.

2nd Comment—  Post Clarification

1. Water is the cure for asthma, (not the breathing technique.) Water is also the asthma medication to take, (plus a little salt.) The average hydrated man needs to drink about 8 glasses of water a day to remain hydrated. An asthmatic, though, is neither hydrated, nor dehydrated. An asthmatic is chronically dehydrated. Therefore, his body is in a state of systemic drought. Land that has experienced drought for an extended period of time cannot replenish its used up water tables and reserves by an average rainy season. It requires an above average rainy season to combat drought. In the case of the asthmatic, what is needed is more like an extended Monsoon season lasting many months. This means that an asthmatic needs to drink a lot more water than merely 8 glasses a day. Perhaps as much as twice that much, or even more.

2. An asthma attack is a thirst signal, tailored specifically for the asthmatic. Asthma, then, is not a disease, but is merely a condition of chronic dehydration. Because of this, the asthma attack must be looked at as a very important indicator of the body’s state of dehydration. In other words, no one ought to try to suppress this signal with drugs. The asthmatic needs to get the message. He needs to see the signal in order to give the proper response that will address the underlying cause of this message: drinking water.

3. All asthmatics instinctively purse their lips during an asthma attack. From the very first asthma attack, the asthmatic notices right away that when his mouth is open normally, he gasps for breath, but when his lips are pursed, the gasping ceases. Unfortunately, asthmatics do not follow through with the lip pursing. They will purse their lips to exhale the air out of their lungs, and then open their mouth to try to get the air back in, which always fails because as soon as they open their mouths, they start to gasp for air. No asthmatic puts two and two together and thinks, “Maybe I should keep my lips pursed for every inhalation and every exhalation.” They don’t think this because it sounds absolutely retarded. It is counter-intuitive to think that by manually constricting the air flow using your lips that that will help you to breathe easier. So, as a result, no asthmatic tries this. However, if any asthmatic does tightly purse their lips during an attack, and keeps them pursed the entire time they are breathing, they will notice that, “Holy freaking cow! I can breathe without gasping for air!” This can be proven with any asthmatic, and I challenge all asthmatics and parents of asthmatics to prove me wrong.

In fact, parents of asthmatics, take your asthmatic child and tell them to tightly purse their lips during their next attack (without taking medication), and to breathe through that tiny hole, and then, during the attack, ask the child to tell you whether he can breathe easier, by nodding his head, “yes,” or shaking his head, “no,” so as not to open his mouth. He will nod his head, “yes.” Ask him whether he is still gasping for breath. He will shake his head, “no.”

This means that there is no asthma attack that need ever be life-threatening. As long as the lips are pursed tightly, every asthmatic can breathe through that hole, without needing any medication, whatsoever.

4. Unfortunately, as soon as your tightly pursed-lips child opens his mouth, he will start to gasp for air again. So, he can’t get that needed water (the real asthma medicine) down his throat, because when he is suffocating he can’t drink anything, for drinking requires opening his mouth, which will cause him to start to gasp for air, and drinking also requires swallowing, which requires holding your breath. Also, he won’t be able to speak, because he can’t open his mouth, (’cause he’s too busy breathing through pursed lips.) Thus, there must be a mechanism which allows him to go from “no more gasping” with his lips pursed to being able to open his mouth and swallow the required water. That mechanism is the emptying of the lungs.

5. When the asthmatic empties his lungs, it causes the breathing to slow waaaaaay down, to a veritable crawl. In other words, when he inhales after his huge exhalation of everything in his lungs, he will notice that the inhalation takes seemingly forever and goes real slow. That is the signal that he can “come out” of the pursing of the lips, which must be done slowly, or incrementally, widening the pursed lips hole bit by bit, until he is able to breathe through his nose without gasping for breath. At that point he can down the two glasses of water without a problem, and also talk to people. But the effect is only temporary. Nevertheless, he can repeat the technique as many times as he wants or needs to.

6. It is the water that is the real asthma medication, so the breathing technique is merely a tool to allow the asthmatic to get the medicine down. Once the water is down the hatch, the asthmatic merely needs to wait until those adrenal glands have been activated, and then he’ll get a long term bronchial-dilation effect. But until the adrenaline is released, he must continue to use the breathing technique, if necessary. Any time he wants to, he can drink water after using the breathing technique. More water than two glasses is not hurtful, but is beneficial to an asthmatic, but there is no need to overdo it and get so full you want to burst.

7. All the facts I have written in the post and also in these two follow-up comments are fully demonstrable. All it takes is one asthma attack in which the lips are pursed, the lungs are emptied, and the water is drunk, and everyone will observe these facts as stated. You will all see that asthma medication is now obsolete. Again, I challenge the whole freaking world to prove me wrong on this. Try the experiment for yourselves and then, once you see that this is all true, get the message out to everyone. Asthma must altogether cease to exist. There is no more need for any more asthmatic suffering.

3rd Comment—  A couple more things

It is perfectly okay to experiment with the breathing technique. Everyone is different. It may be that you don’t need to fully empty the lungs three times before coming out of the lip pursing. Maybe only one time, or two times, is necessary. Or maybe you want four. Whatever works for you. Also, it may be that you don’t need to incrementally come out of the lip pursing. It may be that you can empty your lungs, start the slow inhalation and then close your mouth and breathe through your nose, without any problems. Figure this out for yourself. There is no more risk of suffocation, because you can always go back to pursing your lips and breathing again. So, I have handed you, the asthmatic, all the knowledge necessary to take full control of your asthmatic condition, without needing a doctor or a prescription medicine. You just need water and salt and a pair of lips.

4th Comment—  About the salt: Unless your doctor has put you on a low sodium diet for some reason, make sure that you get the recommended daily value for sodium in your food. Also, as an asthmatic will end up drinking a lot more water than a hydrated person, just have some table salt handy when you eat and sprinkle it around, whenever you want. That should satisfy your salt needs.

Complete List of Articles authored by LDS Anarchist

My experiences with the discerning of spirits

And to others the discerning of spirits.  (D&C 46:23)

For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; to another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: but all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.  (1 Corinthians 12:8-11)

For behold, to one is given by the Spirit of God, that he may teach the word of wisdom; and to another, that he may teach the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; and to another, exceedingly great faith; and to another, the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; and again, to another, that he may work mighty miracles; and again, to another, that he may prophesy concerning all things; and again, to another, the beholding of angels and ministering spirits; and again, to another, all kinds of tongues; and again, to another, the interpretation of languages and of divers kinds of tongues.  (Moroni 10:9-16)

Shortly after I turned nine years old, the Holy Ghost began manifesting in my life.  The second manifestation, prior to me becoming a member of the LDS church via baptism, was of the discerning of spirits.  A short time later I had two other manifestations and then the Holy Ghost ceased manifesting anything to me for about five years.  At around age 14, the Holy Ghost again started to manifest in my life, and since then there has never been a “dry time.”

At some point during my teenage years, the topic of spiritual gifts came up.  I think it may have been during some church class.  The understanding I and everyone around me had was that everyone in the church got one of these listed best gifts.  The question was asked, “Which gift do you have?”  I looked over my life from age nine to whatever age I was at that time, and came to the conclusion that I had the discerning of spirits.

In truth, I had more than one best gift, but I had been taught that we typically only have one, and to have more than one was unusual, and that you had to be a “special” person to have multiple gifts, such as one of the living apostles and prophets, and in my humility I didn’t want to think I was anyone “special,” so I just assumed that I only had one.  As a result, every prophecy I received was called, by me, a “revelation.”  My revelations, of which I had very many, were all of a personal nature, and as “the receiving of revelations” was not listed in the scriptures as a best gift, I didn’t consider my revelations as gifts; thus, I was still technically “un-special” in my young mind.  Also, as I didn’t have any special calling or prophetic title or anything like that, I didn’t feel I should be claiming to have more than one gift.  So, for many years I only claimed to have the discerning of spirits.

Nevertheless, as time went on, and I became an adult, with an adult mind, I could no longer deny that I had quite a few of these gifts, and as I began to explore this or that gift manifesting in my life, the gift of the discerning of spirits kind of moved from the center of my attention, to the side of my mind.

Recently I had this idea in my head about a certain something, which I will explain later on below, and I began performing an experiment of sorts, and as I performed this “action” I was taken aback by the experiment, for I was using my gift of the discerning of spirits in a way I had never before attempted, and the ease with which it operated in me put it right back into the center of my attention.

Intrigued by the curious operation of this gift, I did what I always do: I began to review my life experiences with the Holy Ghost, from age nine onward, this time paying especial attention to the manifestations of the discerning of spirits in my life, and how I had used this gift.  The review caused an “ah-hah” moment in me, in which I finally understood what was going on in my life during certain times, and also the as-yet untapped full potential of this gift in my life.

So, I thought I’d expound upon the discerning of spirits, how it operates, what it can do, others’ reactions to it and so forth.  I will draw upon my own personal experiences with it, as I have used it more than any other gift, and thus I have a wealth of knowledge about it.

My first manifestation

The first time the Holy Ghost manifested in my life, I didn’t recognize that it was the Holy Ghost.  Nor did the missionaries teaching me recognize it, or at least they didn’t tell me what was going on, if they were themselves feeling it.  Or it may be that they weren’t feeling the Spirit.  But I was.  Nevertheless, as this was a new experience for me, I didn’t know that what I was feeling was the Holy Ghost.  This lack of discernment on my part was a huge deficiency, which the Lord in His infinite mercy corrected by giving me a second manifestation—for it wouldn’t do to give me the many revelations of God I would end up receiving unless I was able to recognize them as both revelations and as proceeding from God.

My second manifestation

During the discussions, I could feel something different.  I still didn’t know what it was, but it was real.  Now, as I learned these lessons from the missionaries, a peculiar thing happened.  My brothers were also taking the lessons with me, and thus they were present in the discussion room with me.  At some point I turned to them, gazing upon them, and was somehow able to perceive that whatever I was feeling, they weren’t.  I perceived that there was a spiritual void of some sort in them, as if the message wasn’t getting through to them.  I didn’t know how I knew this, but I recognized that I did, indeed, know it.

(Now, my brothers later were baptized, but they fell away about six months into their membership and have never returned to the fold of God since.)

My perception of their spiritual state in the discussions was a manifestation of the discerning of spirits.  I could discern two things: I could discern my own spirit, that something was operating upon it, and I could discern their spirits, that this operation that was upon me was not operating upon them.

Prepared for the third manifestation

My use of the discerning of spirits allowed me to finally recognize the operation of the Holy Spirit upon the spirits of men.  This key allowed me forever afterward to be able to detect when the Holy Ghost spoke to me, and also when the Holy Ghost spoke to others.  It also allowed me to detect when the Holy Ghost was not upon another person.  This prepared me for my third manifestation, which was a huge one, a baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost, with an accompanying revelation of the truthfulness of the Lord’s church.

Getting me into trouble

The ability to discern when the Holy Ghost was upon a person, or was not upon a person, has gotten me into a ton of trouble in my life.  There have been many times a person has said to me, or declared in my presence, “I feel the Spirit!”  Only to have me look at them, discern their spirit and the lack of any manifestation of the Holy Ghost upon them, and then contradict them by saying, “No, you don’t.”  “How dare you say I am not feeling the Spirit!” was always the inevitable retort.  “You are not God!  You cannot know what I feel!”  “It’s true that I am not God, but I’ve got this gift, see, and it allows me to discern your spirit and tell if you are really feeling the Holy Ghost or not.  So, yes, I can know what you feel!”  So many pissed people have left off telling me any of their “revelations” and “manifestations” as a result of me using this gift, or even altogether ceased having anything more to do with me.  I once had a companion who refused to tell me anything, at all, because he knew of my propensity to call BS on anyone’s claimed revelations.

But I digress.

My third manifestation

The third time the Holy Ghost manifested to me, still at age nine and still before I was ever baptized, I learned that the Holy Ghost “shook” a spirit when it manifested.  I could feel or discern that shake when the Spirit was upon me, and thus, I possessed a permanent key to know what was of the Spirit, and what was not.  The gift of discerning of spirits allowed me to, essentially, never be deceived by false spirits or by false revelations, prophecies and manifestations.

The first time I told someone about the third manifestation, I was faced with an intense hatred and spirit of persecution by that person, who accused me of not knowing it was of God.  “How can you know?  How can anyone know?  It is impossible to know for sure!” was the logic used by this and all other doubters that would come afterward.  Well, I could know for sure through this gift of discerning of spirits.  I never doubted that manifestation because the discerning of spirits was already in full operation in me, and I could discern these Godly things quite easily and instantly.

My fourth manifestation

The fourth time the Spirit manifested in me, it was the spirit of prophecy, in which I uttered a prophecy by the power of the Holy Ghost.  Again, I was fully confident because I could discern that the Holy Ghost was upon me, by this discerning of spirits gift.

Confused by others’ doubt

From age nine onward, I have ever been confused by others’ inability to determine what was, and what was not, of God.  I’d hear and see people hem and haw and wonder whether what they “received” was a revelation of God or if it were their own imagination.  They would deliberate and ponder for days, weeks, months and sometimes even years, never able to come to any final conclusion whether what they felt was the Spirit or not.  They often went by their “feelings,” therefore if they were in a church meeting and started crying or felt some other strong emotion, they would just assign that as the Spirit manifesting.

For my own part, I’d get something and immediately make the announcement that it was of God.  There never was any lag time or deliberation or doubt.  My spirit resonated when the Holy Ghost spoke, and I could discern this resonance immediately, but others could not.  People would feel the Spirit in my presence, and I would be able to discern that the Spirit was upon them, but they couldn’t recognize that it was upon them and they needed me to tell them that the Spirit was upon them.  Then, and only then, could they start to recognize the Spirit, yet they always ended up using bodily senses.  In other words, they never could discern, as I could discern, that their spirit body resonated when the Spirit spoke.  Apparently only I could detect this.

Not being the most humble of people, I used to think these people were spiritually retarded.  They were deficient in some way.  “Why can’t they ever recognize the Spirit in their lives?  Why can’t they recognize when the Spirit is not speaking?  Why all this confusion?  Why is it so easy for me?”  I thought it was because my heart was more turned towards God than theirs was.  And perhaps this was part of the case.  But the other reason, the main reason, was because I had this particular best gift of the discerning of spirits, and they didn’t.

Thus, my harsh criticism of them was unjustified.  To each is given a different gift.  Not everyone is going to have the same gift, nor is everyone going to have this particular gift.  Those who have this gift have an easier time discerning truth from error.  Those who don’t, don’t.

My five year “dry spell”

It turns out that my five year “dry spell,” in which the Spirit didn’t speak to me, was a blessing in disguise, for I got the chance to experience what life is like without the discernment of spirits operating.  For that brief period in my life, I could look upon other people and not discern their spirits.  In other words, I got to see or perceive others as others perceive others, just looking upon the flesh.

I loved my friends during that time, and they loved me.  They were all equal in my view.  We were all equal.  That all changed at age 14.

The Holy Ghost again comes upon me

When the revelations began coming again, they never stopped.  One after another after another, seemingly endlessly.  I could tell that they all were of God.  It was totally apparent to me, because of this gift.  I thought all this revelation was normal for a latter-day saint, but learned later that it wasn’t.  It also wasn’t normal for a latter-day saint to be so instantaneously certain of the truthfulness of all their personal revelations.

I continued to use the discerning of spirits to determine the manifestations of the Spirit upon me, and upon others, or the lack of such upon me or others, but as I began to be of the age of noticing the opposite sex, a new use of the gift became manifest.

Detecting kindred spirits

At age 14 and afterward, I began using the gift to discern the spirits of other people, to see whether they were like me.  I was appalled to find that just about nobody around me was similar to me in spirit: neither male nor female.  I gazed upon the friends I had at that time, and didn’t just see flesh, but also perceived their spirits.  I began to notice certain things about their spirits, in particular the “brightness” of their spirits.  Some spirits seemed to glow brighter than others, and began to correspond to the three degrees of glory model, as an aggregate.  In other words, some glowed brightly, like the Sun, others less so, like the moon, and others were quite dim, like stars.  I didn’t “see” these spirits, but somehow I was able to discern this aggregate brightness.

I figured that the “Sun” spirits would be kindred spirits, like mine, for I thought that I was headed for the celestial kingdom, so any celestial kingdom spirit would be a match for me.  But I was disappointed in this thought, as I found that although there were many such spirits around me, they still weren’t like me.  Also, my former friends, whom I loved with all my heart, were neither celestial spirits nor like me.  I began hanging around the spirits which were celestials, but remained dissatisfied that none of these people around me were similar to me.  How could this be possible?  Surely all celestial spirits are alike, right?

Then one day I met a girl, a latter-day saint, and something new happened.  (At the time I didn’t know what was going on, but now I do.  So I will put the whole thing into my current perspective, to actually explain it.)  My discerning of spirits gift went off like a freaking bell.  This girl was a celestial spirit, like the others, but her spirit had a resonating frequency that exactly corresponded to my own spirit’s resonating frequency.  In other words, when she came into my presence so that I saw her, and she began to speak, sympathetic resonance occurred and both out spirit bodies began to vibrate at the same resonant frequencies.  She couldn’t detect it, but I could, through this gift of the discerning of spirits.  Our spirits were alike.

Peace at last

My search for a like (kindred) spirit had finally born fruit.  She and I became friends, but we hardly ever saw one another.  Every once in awhile we would meet again in passing, say, “Hi.  How’s life?” and then go on our way, never once having any more engagement than that.  Unbeknownst to her, though, I put her aside in my heart, in a special place, different than my friends, on a sort of elevated level, as a memorial of sorts, to always keep her in remembrance, for she was not like the others.  My other friends I hung out with, doing many activities, but with her I never did anything.  Yet, because of this unique resonance, that always occurred whenever she came back into my presence, or whenever I spoke with her on the telephone afterwards, she took a prominent place in my heart.

Two levels of resonance

I learned from this, and from other similar experiences later, that there appeared to be two levels of frequency that each spirit body has.  One is the normal frequency level, and the other is the level at which the Holy Ghost operates.  When the Holy Ghost speaks, our spirits vibrate like bells, but at a much higher amplitude and frequency.  When we come into contact with one another, each person’s spirit vibrates at the normal level, and if the frequency is the same as the other person’s spirit, sympathetic resonance occurs.  Unfortunately, unless you have the gift of the discerning of spirits, you cannot detect the sympathetic resonance.  Thus, the rest of the world, that does not possess this gift, must use flesh and other cues to try to figure out whether one is compatible with another.

In my case, though, as I had and still have this gift, I could instantly detect sympathetic resonance when it occurred, and so I needed no time, whatsoever, “to get to know a person.”  For example, I used to have a friend when I was single who would take women out all the time and would have a great many dates, trying to figure out if she was his eternal mate.  It would piss him off when I’d tell him that all I needed was no more than five minutes time with a woman, all she needed to do was be in my presence so that I saw her, and speak, and in less than five minutes I could discern whether we were a perfect match or not.  He called it all hogwash, for how could I come to know her in such a short amount of time?  But I wouldn’t “know” her in the sense of what she had done in life up to that point, but would “know” her in the sense that her spirit and mine were kindred.  He had to use flesh, which took lots of time, but I could peel back the flesh instantly and perceive the spirit beneath, which required hardly no time, at all.

Other women

After meeting this girl, I became interested in other women, for I, like all men, like the flesh.  Flesh can be quite attractive, after all.  But I could not be satisfied with mere flesh.  What I wanted, what I needed and desired, was that spiritual connection with a kindred spirit, in which sympathetic resonance would occur.  So, any and all women I dated after that were just to pass the time, for I could discern their spirits, and none of them were like this girl.

In my later teen years and early 20’s, I found and met other women, five in total, who also caused sympathetic resonance in me.  Of the six, I had to make a choice as to which to marry, for I would not marry any woman who was not a kindred spirit.  At the time, I was a monogamist, because of my upbringing in the church, and thought that I could only have one, so I had to make a choice.  In truth I wanted all of them.

Interestingly enough, two of the six women were not members of the church when my gift started ringing out, “Kindred spirit!”  I ended up baptizing one, but the other to this day remains unbaptized.  Two are lifelong members of the LDS church and the final two are converts to the church.  The two converts have fallen away from the church, while the one I baptized has also fallen away.  Only the two lifelong members remain active.  This shows that kindred spirits need not be those who glow with the same kingdom glory.

Discerning false spirits

It has been my unfortunate experience to have to use my gift to discern evil spirits in people.  This has, like every other manifestation I have claimed, caused me lots of grief, for no one likes to hear, “You are possessed of the spirit of the devil.”  And no one likes to hear, “So and so is acting under the influence of a whoring/lying/murderous,/cheating, etc., spirit.”  I have had many occasions in which I had to detect lies using the discerning of spirits and when the truth came out, and those who balked at my claims found that they were not unfounded, when they said, “But how did you know that so-and-so was lying?” and I answered that it was through the gift of the discerning of spirits, they still refused to believe.  To give some examples, I have been at one end of the world, working, and another person at the opposite end of the world, and the discerning of spirits has gone off, so that I could perceive an immediate darkening of the spirit of the other person, who was a world away, and when I ended my job and called and grilled the other person on what they did, which thing was unknown to me, but I knew they had done something pretty damn bad for the Spirit to manifest the darkening of their spirit to me, and every time an excuse was verbally given, I’d analyze it by the discerning of spirits and then call BS, until finally the confession would come out as to the vile deed.  And so forth.  This has happened more times than I’d like to remember.

Those who I am familiar with cannot hide their deeds from me when this gift is manifesting.  Although the gift doesn’t show what the deeds are, I can detect any darkening of anyone’s spirit I am familiar with.  If you are a celestial soul, glowing bright, and I know it, and I see you the next day and you are glowing with terrestrial or telestial brightness, you’ve done something.  If your spirit is full-on dark, you are possessed by an evil spirit.  And when I discern that there is an evil spirit upon you, I also have power to discern what kind of temptation the spirit is giving you, or what kind of power it is operating under.

I’ve had devils verbally try to dissuade me from my testimony.  This also was a manifestation of the discerning of spirits.  I’ve had devils actually appear to me, in person, so that I literally saw them, and then proceed to try to bind me and destroy me.  That was also a manifestation of this gift, of a higher order, for I saw them.

All these things are operations of the discerning of spirits.

Higher order discernment

I once had a dream, an inspired dream, in which I saw a recently departed family member in the spirit world, with his wife by his side, who also was dead, and I spoke to the man.  This was a higher manifestation of the discerning gift.  On another occasion I saw the pre-mortal spirit body of the woman who would become my wife in open vision, along with two angels by her side.  (And yes, she was HOT.  This is one of the reason why I married her.)  I have also heard the Holy Ghost audibly speaking to me on one occasion.  But typically such dreams and visions, in which I see spirits, or hear spirits speaking to me, does not occur.  For the most part, I discern by some other form of perception.

My new experiment

I have written at length on this blog about plural marriage.  I am no longer a believer in monogamy.  I have always believed in plural marriage, but was taught that it shouldn’t be practiced, and I conformed to that narrative for much of my life.  Nevertheless, I always believed in plural marriage theologically and expected it to come back one day.

During the night vision I had in which I saw my departed relative in the spirit world, I learned in the vision that I would have two wives.  I was about 16 years old at that time.  I figured that it must mean that I would marry a girl, she would die, leaving me a widower, and then I’d marry another, for a I never considered plural marriage a possibility.  This widower scenario was not appealing to me.

Later on, I met the woman I am currently married to, and pursued her hand vigorously, but came up empty.  Yet, as is my way, I sent up so many dang prayers for my Heavenly Father to give her to me that I think the heavens must have been back-logged for years in the heavenly prayer-mail post office.  I truly believed she would be mine.  But then she wasn’t.  So my attention was turned away and lo! and behold, another kindred female spirit came my way, who I vigorously pursued.  This too, came to naught, but I was smitten by her and, as usual, sent up an enormous number of prayers.  So, what did my Heavenly Father do?  Well, He decided to finally answer my barrage of prayers and gave me a revelatory prophecy in which I was told I would marry the one first, and then the other second.  Apparently I had prayed in faith.  Both times.

Once again the prospect didn’t sound too appealing, for I still conformed to the monogamy viewpoint.  One would die and then the other would take her place.  I didn’t like that, at all.  So, again, as is my way, I prayed that it wouldn’t be.  “The first must not die!  Make it so, Heavenly Father!”  And so an unlimited number of petitions were sent up.

After I started this blog in 2007, I began to put up my understandings of plural marriage.  But I still hadn’t received any permission from Heavenly Father to take a second wife.  To this day, I am still a monogamous man, with only one wife.  Some who believed my writings felt that this was not a good example to set, considering all the writing that I’ve done about this subject.  But I follow the Spirit, and whatever the Spirit says to me, that is what I do.  No permission is no permission.

Then one day, a few years back, the Spirit came upon me and gave me yet another revelation.  In this one, I was green-lighted for plural marriage.  I could marry any woman that I wanted (provided she wanted the same, of course), whenever I wanted.  I could take the second lady to wife and it wasn’t necessary that the first one die for the prophecy to be fulfilled.  I could also take the third one to wife if I wanted.  (I had previously received a promise of the Lord concerning a third wife, many years ago.)  But the time is not yet, because of certain circumstances, and so I remain monogamous.

Over the past few months, as I pondered again over this “green light” revelation, my mind was cast back upon these three promised women, for they were all kindred spirits, detected via the discerning of spirits.  A thought then occurred to me that these were not the only women who I had detected as kindred spirits.  And so I cast my mind back and remembered that there were three others who were my kindred, making six in total of all the people and women I had met.

This brings me to my new experiment, for I was not done with my detection of kindred spirits.  It was true that there have been only 6 people detected of all the people I have personally met, but there have been others that I have been drawn to, who I had never met, actors on television and in movies that I had seen, whose attraction, perhaps, was not merely a flesh attraction, but a sympathetic resonance.  “Could the discerning of spirits operate via a recorded image and sound capture?,” I wondered.

Going over the footage

So I proceeded to watch footage of movies or television shows of women that I have found attractive for any reason, whatsoever, to try to determine if I could discern their spirits while they acted.  Acting is pretending, therefore I wasn’t sure it could be done.  For my gift to operate, I usually need to see the person and also hear them speak, but if they are not speaking naturally, because they are acting, it may throw off the process.  As I went over the footage, I found that I could not make the determination.  I could not discern their spirits.  Acting tripped me up.  Nevertheless, three actresses stood out of the bunch that I looked at, but because I was uncertain about it, it wouldn’t work.

It then occurred to me that if I could see these people in interviews, talking without a script, that might allow me to make the discernment.  Sure enough, when I went over interview footage, I kept getting a “non-kindred” response from all of them.  The discernment of spirits works even through film!  The last three, the ones that stood out to me, I saved for last on purpose, for my curiosity was piqued as to why these three did, indeed, seem to stand out from the rest.  Had I discerned their spirits even while acting?  I would only know by looking at the interviews.

The first one I looked at came back with a “kindred” response.  I thought, “Let me just be absolutely sure,” and continued to look at more interviews.  Each time I got a sympathetic resonance.  “Holy freaking cow!” I thought.  “Let me see if the other two prove to also be sympathetic.”  Sure enough, when I looked at all the interview footage I could find, the other two also proved to be kindred.  That was sufficient to convince me that the gift of discerning of spirits has power to discern kindred spirits even when they are acting, though it is not an easy task, being a more subtle response than when unscripted during an interview.

Full use of discerning of spirits in relationships

For intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom receiveth wisdom; truth embraceth truth; virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light; mercy hath compassion on mercy and claimeth her own; justice continueth its course and claimeth its own; judgment goeth before the face of him who sitteth upon the throne and governeth and executeth all things.  (D&C 88:40)

According to the above principle, kindred spirits also cleave unto one another, but only if they know they are kindred.  One kindred spirit must recognize the other kindred spirit, otherwise there can be no spiritual attraction, only flesh attraction.  In my case, I have sympathetic resonance with nine women, one of which I am married to, but as none of these nine, not even my wife, have the gift of the discerning of spirits, they can only see flesh.  I, on the other hand, have the flesh peeled away, in a sense, both from my spirit and from theirs, and I can discern the vibration happening between us.  They cannot.  The attraction I feel for these women, then, is, and must ever be, greater than the attraction they feel for me, because my attraction is spirit+flesh, whereas theirs is just flesh.

To maximize the unity between kindred spirits, both sexes need to have this gift.  If such were the case, both individuals would feel their souls vibrate when coming into the presence of the other person.  The sympathetic resonance of a spirit is a feeling of joy, just as the resonance created by the Spirit is also a feeling of joy, (although a much greater amount of joy).

The outpouring of the gift of discerning of spirits upon the people can only create peace and harmony among the masses.  Use of this gift in relationships takes away all the guesswork.  “Is she right for me?” or “Is he right for me?” are questions that have no meaning to those who have this gift.  It becomes plain who is right (or kindred) and who is wrong (non-kindred).  It also becomes plain what is and is not the voice of the Spirit.  Kingdom level glories can be perceived.  Sinful behavior (darkening of the spirit) can be detected.  Evil spirits also come into clarity and discernment.  In short, this gift that I have been in the habit of using nearly all of my life, is indeed worthy of being called a “best gift,” and I thank my God for it.

Complete List of Articles authored by LDS Anarchist

It’s okay to drink wine

Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you:

In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation—

that inasmuch as any man drinketh wine or strong drink among you, behold it is not good, neither meet in the sight of your Father, only in assembling yourselves together to offer up your sacraments before him. And, behold, this should be wine, yea, pure wine of the grape of the vine, of your own make. And, again, strong drinks are not for the belly, but for the washing of your bodies. (D&C 89:4-7)

My current understanding of this passage of scripture is that the Lord wasn’t saying,

“Don’t drink wine except as sacramental wine for your sacrament meetings,”


“It is neither good nor expedient to drink wine or strong drink during your church meetings, except when you partake of the sacrament, in which case then it is both good and expedient to use it as sacramental wine, but you should use grape wine made by yourselves.

The revelation heading says, in part,

As a consequence of the early brethren using tobacco in their meetings, the Prophet was led to ponder upon the matter; consequently, he inquired of the Lord concerning it.

Also, verses 1-3 read,

A Word of Wisdom, for the benefit of the council of high priests, assembled in Kirtland, and the church, and also the saints in Zion—to be sent greeting; not by commandment or constraint, but by revelation and the word of wisdom, showing forth the order and will of God in the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days—given for a principle with promise, adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints, who are or can be called saints.

The word of wisdom concerning wine, then, is regarding its use during church meetings, in which case it is wise to restrict its use to only the sacrament. Outside of church meetings, THERE IS NO RESTRICTION TO DRINKING WINE.

The word of wisdom concerning strong drinks is that they are not for the belly, at all, but for washing our bodies. In other words, they were never intended to be used as drinks (ingested).

It was never the intention of the Lord to take away one of life’s greatest pleasures from His saints, for all wine drinkers know that when wine and food is properly or perfectly paired, the experience is transcendent. Beer and food likewise make excellent pairs. Here are a couple of links explaining about this, along with an except of the second article:

Grape Versus Grain: Wine and Beer Styles

The Grape vs the Grain Pairing with Food

“…when I have had wine and food paired perfectly, the experience went beyond downright delicious. When all components on a plate come together with the wine’s body, tannin, flavor and acidity; the experience is magical. All of a sudden you begin to take smaller bites to savour the pairing as long as you can. Because there are so many more variables in wine and food pairing it is easier to go astray. However, when everything aligns it is pure magic.”

It is widely known that having a glass of wine each day is actually good for you. It is also widely known that beer is highly nutritious. Strong drinks, though, have no such healthful or nutritional values, except if you’ve got a tooth ache, in which case some brandy on the spot will numb the pain immediately. They are also good for washing the body and, with the right strong drinks, can make you smell divine.

The gospel principle, then, that applies to wine and beer–both of which are acceptable for use by the saints by the Word of Wisdom–

All grain is good for the food of man; as also the fruit of the vine; that which yieldeth fruit, whether in the ground or above the ground—nevertheless, wheat for man, and corn for the ox, and oats for the horse, and rye for the fowls and for swine, and for all beasts of the field, and barley for all useful animals, and for mild drinks [beer], as also other grain. (D&C 89:16-17)

is to use moderation:

And inasmuch as ye do these things with thanksgiving, with cheerful hearts and countenances, not with much laughter, for this is sin, but with a glad heart and a cheerful countenance—verily I say,

that inasmuch as ye do this, the fulness of the earth is yours, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and that which climbeth upon the trees and walketh upon the earth; yea, and the herb, and the good things which come of the earth, whether for food or for raiment, or for houses, or for barns, or for orchards, or for gardens, or for vineyards; yea, all things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart; yea, for food and for raiment, for taste and for smell, to strengthen the body and to enliven the soul.

And it pleaseth God that he hath given all these things unto man; for unto this end were they made to be used, with judgment, not to excess, neither by extortion. (D&C 59:15-20)

This is the reason why the Nephites drank wine.  This is the reason why the Jews drank wine.  This is the reason why Jesus turned water into wine (not grape juice as some silly Mormons like to think).  There is no conflict between the Word of Wisdom found in D&C section 89 and the other scriptures that speak of the ancients drinking wine.  The only conflict is with our own incorrect interpretations of section 89 and the refusal to let go of our dumb and inconsistent traditions.

When Jesus came among the people in the flesh, He did things that rubbed the people the wrong way, because He didn’t follow their traditions, but only followed the word of God.  The Pharisees didn’t like that He didn’t follow “the traditions of the elders,” and they rejected Him as a result.  If a “new guy” is sent from the Lord to stir things up, working mighty miracles, and drinking wine and beer, I wonder if the saints will follow the Pharisaical traditions and reject him, too?

Anyway, I don’t expect anyone to actually use this information, but I wanted to make note of my current understanding of this principle.

Complete List of Articles authored by LDS Anarchist