If you could read only 3 chapters or sections…

During a recent conversation with what4anarchy, he asked me to write down what I had been expounding to him, as it was new information and he didn’t want it lost. So, I’ve been preparing it for publication on this blog. (This research has now been posted as The Split-Brain Model of the Gospel.)

However, during my research into this particular topic, it became plain to me that there was a division in the scriptures:

  • Writings that are absolutely essential and most important to our salvation
  • Everything else.

In my own life, certain scriptures have been stressed by my leaders. For example, I believe that it was in the MTC, that our president gave a challenge to have the missionaries read 2 Nephi 9 every day for 30 days. Some took it up and said they felt spiritually charged from the experience. Each of us, I suppose, has favorite chapters/sections which, perhaps, do the same. We can read them over and over again and never tire of them, becoming spiritually recharged and renewed.

Nevertheless, the scriptures that I discovered to be the most important during my recent research were never emphasized by any of my leaders. Interestingly enough, they always emphasized other scriptures.

So, out of curiosity, I want to ask the visitors of this blog a question:

If your scriptures were to be ripped from your hands, never again to be returned, but you could pick three or four chapters/sections of the Standard Works to keep with you, that you could read every day of your life and strive to live by, which would they be? In other words, what are the 3 or 4 chapters/sections that are the most important parts of the scriptures?

(I will give the scriptures that I found to be most important in the article that I will publish later.)

Complete List of Articles authored by LDS Anarchist